Join us.

As a member of PayBelgium you will contribute to making the voice of the industry heard. You will also have access to knowledge-sharing platforms and to high quality seminars and other networking events.

PayBelgium is established as a non-profit association (vereniging zonder winstoogmerk (VZW) / association sans but lucrative (ASBL)) under the Belgian Companies and Associations Code.

Our membership is open for payment institutions and e-money institutions of all sizes using a tiered fee structure. Various membership categories (Full, Passported, Observing and Associate) allow flexibility and accessibility also to payment institutions and e-money institutions established elsewhere in the EU and to other organisations with an interest in the Belgian payments sector. The acceptance of membership applications is at the discretion of the board of PayBelgium.

Find out more about the various membership categories here.

Complete and submit the membership application form here.